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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well I have been wanting to start a blog for the past few months but haven't had the time or patience.  But now that I have logged on to blogger, I must have wanted to start one in 2007 also.  I already had an account set up and was able to remember the password so, here I am.  Can't remember what Win, Lose, or Draw was about....maybe in the next few posts, I can figure out something clever. 

Okay, so the reason that I (recently) wanted to start a blog is because I have been stalking, I mean reading a few other people's blogs and I thought what a great way to write down thoughts and progress (more on that later) and be able to look back.  Since I am (late) thirty something, some things don't make the brain purge file and get dumped as other things come in.  So, if I was blogging, I can just look back and see what was going on years ago.  Like starting a blog in 2007 but having no memory.....hope that isn't how Alzheimer's starts!

SO!  Let's make history!  LOL  Well, maybe not history but maybe a blog entry.

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