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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ho Hum

According to blogger etiquette that I have previously read, if you blog, you must post often.  Even if you don't have anything monumental to post?  Okay....hence the title Ho Hum!  The last few weeks have been crazy busy as usual....birthday parties, softball, homework, etc.  Of course the next two weeks are the same (3 birthday parties on Saturday), softball, dinner party, 5K....too many things to even think about.  One day at a time....which reminds me, Caroline has a field trip tomorrow and I have to get her field trip shirt washed before them am.  Not sure if I am acquiring adult on-set ADD or what but I am certainly losing it. 

On to a blog tonight about making a milkshake.  I personally do NOT like ice cream so the title did not excite me but the author was written by the naked chef....don't think about it too much, it could gross you out.  So, one of the ingredients DID excite me----WHOPPERS.  No, not the one from Burger King....the chocolate malted milk ball.  I HEART that is not a typo, my Catie calls them whoop  ers.  On Halloween, she graciously picked out all of her WHOOPers and brought them to me.  I am no fan of chocolate but I am a fan of WHOOPers.  Okay, back to the recipe...basically you put a handful of WHOOPers in the blender and then add fat free milk and chop them up.  The blogger stated that is was heavenly.  Might just have to try the way one WHOOPer is 10 calories....and how do I know that because I have eaten a many WHOOPers and I am always counting calories.  So you can make it as unhealthy as you want!

On to healthy, my reward for not strangling my children or going postal at work is a nightime snack after the girls go to bed.  Believe me I am not consistent in my snack but DO try to eat something decent.  So here is a pic of what I concocted tonight!

Well, maybe not.  I can't get blogger to cooperate tonight.  It's on my facebook page if you really gotta see it.  My dad bought Caroline (per her request) Jello Chocolate cups-60 calories, I took one of those and put it in a bowl, cut up half a banana-60 calories and sprinkled a little bit of Bare Naked Flax Granola.  I have to say it was really good and very satisfying.  I may leave off the granola next time to see if it is still as good.  I really wish someone could make granola and peanut butter LOW CAL!  The flax granola is 130 calories for 1/4 cup which isn't bad but wishing it was lower.

Will post after this weekends 5K--Polar Bear Run.  I hope it isn't any colder than the last 5K...I don't do cold!  Also, I have lost my iPod which is a SEVERE tragedy.  It is really boring to run without music.  Saw a quote today that said something like...Music is what feelings sound like!  Love that music can change a mood in a minute or evoke a memory.

One final note, also saw this quote today and absolutely love it..........Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve, because what you feel isn't always what you deserve.  Nice thought to end the day and end the blog!  Goodnight.....til we blog again :-)