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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Off the Wagon

Boy is that an understatement.......I have seriously fallen off the blog wagon, the (health) food wagon, the gym wagon, and I am sure there are several other things that I have fallen off of lately.  My hope is to get back in a better routine--all around.  But, until then this is what we have been up to for the last 3 months (I can't believe that I haven't posted anything in 3 months!)  I dare not to even try to catch up....I will just go from here!

Catie at one of Caroline's Tournaments (probably on sno-cone #10 for the day)

Catie on her 7th birthday (volunteering at Miracle League) -- Therapy Dogs
Easter 2011
Caroline's 9th birthday!

Biscuits Game

Can I tell you how much I DESPISE this white uniform?  Ivory soap is a miracle worker though!
Second place

So, there's a pictorial of the last three months and yes it was much busier than that!  One good thing, school is out for summer and no HOMEWORK (for me).  Hope everyone has a great laid back summer!  Hope to be a better blogger in the coming months!  More later!